Transitioning from chalk–talk teaching-learning to virtual learning experiences.

Leveraging technology to improve the new-age teaching-learning methodology.

2 min readApr 28, 2021

As universities closed down almost overnight during the first Lockdown, the faculty and administration were in a huddle to put together some methodology to keep the semester going and the online alternative was adopted.

Just as students took a breath of relief when colleges reopened and everything seemed to be getting back to normal, the second wave of the virus hit India and we were forced to go back to isolation and lockdown again.

By looking at the number of rising cases every day and the mutation of the virus, we can anticipate that the education framework is going through a radical transformation due to the COVID-19 pandemic and one can infer that the online mode of delivery of education is going to stay. It is also a fact that it cannot replace the conventional on-campus classroom lecture model. The format of e-learning as well as online delivery of education — virtual classroom — need to be blended with on-campus classroom to make the education system more dynamic and student-centric.


All stakeholders -students, teachers, and administration executives- are forced to overcome challenges that have come with this sudden shift to online education.

How many students have paid attention in a class? Of those, how many understood the lesson? Is the teaching pace alright? Are some students getting left behind? These questions arise even in traditional classrooms, but they are harder to address in an online environment. The virtual classroom makes it difficult to assess and measure the teaching-learning process and its efficiency, and establishing a good teacher-student relationship is a challenge as well.

Assessing a student in the right manner is an integral component of the education system. Under typical conditions, students are made to take a test or appear in an examination on campus, unfortunately, that’s not a possibility anymore.

A huge challenge faced by the universities, while shifting to an online environment is data privacy and security. Content can be leaked as students usually share PDFs, Class recordings, soft copies of the text, etc. An E-platform that protects data and helps disseminate content safely is the need of the hour.

The Way Forward

New circumstances and realities require new initiatives, and a platform that recognizes and provides solutions to the problems prevalent in the existing modes of the virtual classroom is definitely a necessity.

Quiklrn is here to support you with any of your institute needs, during these challenging times — be it classroom management, digital exams, or improving learning outcomes.

Contact us at for a discussion and demonstration.




Quiklrn is a Learning services company. The cloud-based (SaaS) platform offers Personalized Learning for students and OBE (CO-PO) attainment for institutions.